Unite, Collaborate, Thrive: Together with The 1!

Governments pay us for our work so we can pay our taxes, empowering our nations. Communities non-pay us so we can meet our needs with our own work, enriching our lives. It's not a competition; it's a collaboration.

At InternalEconomy.org, we celebrate the synergy between these two sides. We believe in a world where the traditional economy and community-based support not only coexist but reinforce each other, creating a stronger, more resilient whole.

Come join us, and be part of a movement that recognizes the strength in unity, the power in diversity, and the potential in embracing all aspects of our economic lives.

Embrace Harmony today!
This page was last updated on 2023-09-21
Please feel welcome to contact us for support. We are just volunteers but might be able to help you at all stages of the development of your local female economy. info@FemaleEconomy.org
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